More than 50 years ago the Virgilio Consortium was born, when the dairies of the area decided to get together to produce excellence. They called them "La Cremeria", a name still dear today and which sums up in one word the secret of the consortium's production.
The supply chain "from stable to table" is carefully supervised and certified by the associated companies. Only in this way can the reliability of the brand, the irreproachability of the product and the safety of the consumer be guaranteed: from the scrupulous selection of over 800 farmers who supply the best Italian milk from the DOP production areas, up to the quality controls of the finished product, where the great experience of PRISMA INDUSTRIALE combined with constant innovation has been able to provide many solutions in response to the dynamic control and inspection needs of the VIRGILIO CONSORTIUM.
For more than 23 years, Prisma Industriale has not only supplied, in many production lines of the Consortium, both the checkweighers Mod. 08D3-MID and the metal detectors mod. MDC11 and MDN11 BRCGS, and the combined 08D3+MFS, but also positions itself as a supplier of solutions and services aimed at protecting production and final consumers, accentuating a type of active cooperation in the research and development of customized quality control systems, and increasingly interconnected with the customer's business.
Maurizio Rasini -
For the Mascarpone production lines in round and rectangular tubs, the first requirement was to adapt the solutions to the customer's spaces, thus offering two checkweighers mod. 08D3 MID Specials.
The 2 sorters have separate electronics and a further function that makes the disassembly of the 08D3 even faster, not to mention the selector for bowls and trays that allows you to switch the control from one product to another on the same line.
08D3 MID Checkweigher
The Po Valley is the land where tradition meets innovation on the banks of the "Great River", the raw materials are processed with respect for the territory and transformed into products exported all over the world. PRISMA INDUSTRIALE puts its 40 years of experience in quality control at the service of the VIRGILIO CONSORTIUM to seal the protection of its supply chain and its consumers.